2nd Grade English Language Arts Alliteration Ace

Jambo, Panda Pal! Today we’ll be doing an English Language Arts (ELA) activity called “Alliteration Ace.”

Instructions: Explain to your child that in this activity they'll practice alliteration. Alliteration is when multiple words in a row start with the same sound, like in the sentence Pandas pick peaches, where all the words begin with the /p/ sound made by the letter p. (Note for parents: a letter inside slashes, like /p/, stands for the sound made by that letter.)

Read aloud the first stanza of the poem "Sing Me a Song of Teapots and Trumpets" by  N.M. Bodecker.  (Or if you'd like to read the whole poem aloud, you can find it here.)

Sing me a song 

of teapots and trumpets: 

Trumpots and teapets

And tippets and taps, 

trippers and trappers

and jelly bean wrappers

and pigs in pajamas 

with zippers and snaps

Ask your child: What alliteration do you hear in the poem (the /t/ sound in teapot, trumpets, trumpots, teapets, tippets, taps, trippers, trappers; the /p/ sound in pigs and pajamas; the /s/ sound in sing and song)

Now challenge your child to come up with their own sentence or poem that uses alliteration. Try starting with the sound at the beginning of your child's name or the name of someone else in your family. Write the sentence or poem down so your child can read it back to you after you're done.

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