What are the steps and EF levels in the Dancing Panda and Reflection Sciences activities?
Kids running up stairs
Hey Panda Pals! You may have noticed that our activities have several levels of difficulty matched to your child’s “Executive Function” (EF) - these are the “steps” in our activities. In this post, we will explain what that means for you and your child.
Children develop at different rates, and these levels may vary from person to person. If you're uncertain about your child’s EF level, feel free to explore the different steps – moving up and down – to find what works best. Additionally, Reflection Sciences offers a science-backed measurement tool that you can use to help tool determine the appropriate starting level for your child. For more information, go here.
Step 1/EF Level 1 - Explorers
At this initial level, a child faces challenges in adjusting their attention or behaviors when patterns change. For instance, if an object is hidden repeatedly in the same location, the child tends to keep searching there. However, as their executive function (EF) improves, they can adapt and shift attention when the hiding spot changes.
Cognitive flexibility: Shifting attention from unpleasant to appealing stimuli.
Example: Turning away from a bright light (unpleasant) to focus on a colorful toy (appealing).
Working memory: Introducing simple anticipation with repeated actions.
Example: Learning to anticipate where things belong in a room or what directions will come from caregivers.
Inhibitory control: Encouraging basic self-soothing tactics.
Example: Reacting to emotions with simple repeated behaviors.
Step 2/EF Level 2 - Playful Paws
At this stage, children are becoming more flexible with categorizing objects. They understand that an object, such as a plush ball, can belong to multiple categories. They can also switch from sorting one type of shape or object to another.
Cognitive flexibility: Increasing flexibility, especially in emotional situations.
Example: Adapting to new friends without getting upset.
Working memory: Developing memory to play games with multiple rules.
Example: Remembering and following the rules of a simple board game.
Inhibitory control: Strengthening waiting abilities.
Example: Waiting patiently for their turn in a game.
Step 3/EF Level 3 - Mastering Basics - Smarty Sprouts
At this level, a child starts sorting objects based on rules. They demonstrate different levels of EF skills in both emotional and non-emotional situations.
Cognitive flexibility: Increasing flexibility, especially in emotional situations.
Example: Adapting to new playmates without getting upset.
Working memory: Developing memory to play games with multiple rules.
Example: A child remembers and follows the rules of a simple board game.
Inhibitory control: Strengthening waiting abilities.
Example: Waiting patiently for their turn in a game.
Step 4/EF Level 4 - Theory of Mind Mastery - Mindful Cubs
At this advanced level, a child achieves an increased ability to understand conflicting beliefs, known as theory of mind.
Cognitive flexibility: Welcoming theory of mind with belief understanding.
Example: Considering a friend's perspective when playing a game.
Working memory: Transforming self-talk into an inner monologue for expanded memory.
Example: Planning playtime activities mentally before executing them.
Inhibitory control: Evaluating others' self-regulation abilities.
Example: Recognizing when a friend effectively controls impulses during a group activity.
Step 5/EF Level 5 - Masters of Flexibility - Flexi-Masters
At this advanced stage, individuals become Masters of Flexibility, effortlessly switching between multiple rules. Working memory efficiently handles plans with around 5 pieces of information. Inhibitory control involves proactive inhibition and reflection on potential consequences during challenging situations.
Cognitive flexibility: Effortlessly switching between rules.
Example: Quickly adapting to changing rules in a game without hesitation.
Working memory: Developing plans with around 5 pieces of information.
Example: Creating a detailed plan for a school project, considering various elements.
Inhibitory control: Embracing proactive inhibition and reflection.
Example: Thinking before responding, reflecting on potential consequences during a challenging situation.
Guidance for Parents, Families and Caregivers:
Being mindful of your child's EF level is crucial
Decrease stress: Prioritize self-care for quality time with your child
"Guide," don’t "do": Offer hints instead of completing actions
Quality time: Block off dedicated time for EF practice
Mindful reactions: Pause and reflect before impulsive responses
Acknowledge effort: Praise effort over ability