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Eagles are able to see very small details from very far. For example, an eagle can see a rabbit from as far away as two miles! Us humans would need to use binoculars to see it.


Owls, on the other hand, are really good at seeing things when it’s dark. Their eyes are like night vision goggles.

What is my child learning?

In Kindergarten, children learn about how animals adapt to their environments in order to survive. At the most basic level, this includes understanding that animals and plants are slightly different in their needs–animals need to eat food. This activity introduces children to the idea of animal adaptations through an exploration of the different birds’ eyes and how they are suited for the diets that each has as well as when they mostly hunt for prey.

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Additional Resources:

  • Want to read more about eagles? Check out this article from One Kind Planet, “Amazing Facts About Eagles.”

  • Want to read more about owls? Check out this article that has Owl Facts.

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