
Dancing Panda Fun for All Ages: Independence Day Around the World

Xin Chao Panda Pal! Today we’ll be doing a social studies activity called, "Independence Day Around the World." You probably already know all about how we celebrate Independence Day here in the United States--with cookouts, parades, and fireworks. But did you know that other countries celebrate their independence days, too? In this activity, you're going to explore what Independence Day looks like around the world

Instructions: Begin by discussing Independence Day in the United States with your child(ren). 

  • When do we celebrate Independence Day in the United States? 

    • For younger kids, you may need to just tell them that Independence Day is celebrated on the fourth of July each year. 

  • What are we celebrating? 

    • The signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776. This was the start of the American Colonies declaring their independence from Great Britain, who used to rule over our country. 

    • Kids may or may not know the answer to this question, depending on age. 

  • What kinds of things do people in the United States do to celebrate Independence Day? What does our family do? 

Now watch one or more of the following videos with your child and then discuss: 


India celebrates its independence from Britain on August 15th of each year. 

  • Watch this video about why kites are flown on Independence Day in India https://youtu.be/KJGBD28lh6E (1:14)

  • Discussion questions: 

    • What did you learn about Independence Day in India? 

    • Why do they fly kites? What do they stand for? 

    • Would you like to celebrate Independence Day like this? What would you put on your kite? 


Indonesia celebrates its independence from the Netherlands on August 17th of each year. 

  • Watch this video about an Independence Day tradition in Indonesia: https://youtu.be/1idHhzoRtsY (1:14)

  • Discussion questions: 

    • What do they do in Indonesia on Independence Day? 

    • What is at the top of the poles they are climbing? 

    • Would you like to celebrate Independence Day like this? What would you hope to grab from the top of the pole? 


Belize celebrates its independence from England on September 21st of each year. 

  • Watch this of a celebratory parade: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwLIAf8Y4JU(4:11) (Content warning: This video contains images of dancers dressed in bikini-like clothing. You may want to preview it before sharing with your child, to make sure you think it is appropriate for your family.) 

  • Discussion questions: 

    • How are the people in this video celebrating Belize's independence? 

    • Would you like to celebrate Independence Day like this? Would you rather watch the parade or be in it? 

After watching one or more videos, discuss: 

For all ages: 

  • Which celebration looked the most fun to you? (Ask only if you watched more than one) 

  • What is your favorite thing about celebrating Independence Day in the United States? 

For older kids, you may also want to ask: 

  • What does it mean to become independent from another country? 

  • Why do people think it's important to celebrate independence day? 

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  • Younger children may not fully understand what it means to become independent from another country. If necessary, you can explain it to them like this: 

    • Sometimes, one country rules over another country. For example, a long time ago the United States was ruled over by Britain and the British king. 

    • The country that is ruled over doesn't get to make its own decisions about things like laws or taxes or how the country is run. 

    • Becoming independent means a country is no longer ruled by anyone else--they get to make their own decisions

Learning Connections

In elementary school social studies, students learn to understand and participate in the world around them. They study government and other institutions, both past and present. They also examine the way people relate to one another and to their environment. To build their understanding of our world, students study cultures around the world, as well as the events that have shaped the history of America and other countries. This activity helps students learn about the world in which they live by exploring a holiday that is related to an important event in United States history. Learning about holidays like Independence Day also helps to encourage civic engagement in children. 

Education Standards

Education standards are learning goals that identify what students should know and be able to do at particular grade levels (e.g. second grade) or milestone points in their education (e.g. by the end of high school). Education standards lay out goals but do not provide specific curriculum for achieving those standards. How to achieve those goals is up to individual states, districts, schools, and teachers. There are national standards in each major subject area, and many states also have their own standards. 
The national standards for Social Studies are known as the C3 Framework and Grade-Level Outcomes for Social Studies can be seen at this website. Schools throughout the United States use many different social studies standards that are specific to their location. Although learning targets differ, many states use the C3 Framework to develop their standards.

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