The answer is…
A Piano!
"Petrof Grand Piano" by oldpianomusic is licensed under CC BY 2.0. To view a copy of this license, visit
A piano is a magnificent musical instrument that is made up of many keys. Each key represents a different musical note, and when you press them, beautiful sounds are produced. Despite having many keys, a piano cannot unlock a single door like a traditional key can. Instead, it unlocks the door to a world of melodies and harmonies.
What is my child learning?
In elementary school, children learn about music and explore various musical instruments. They discover the different components of instruments and how they produce sound. By understanding the concept of piano keys, children learn about pitch, melody, and the organization of musical notes. They develop an appreciation for the beauty and complexity of music as they explore the instrument's keys and their role in creating music.
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Extra Resources
Want to learn more about the piano and music?
Check out this video of an incredibly talented 5-year-old pianist!
There are other musical instruments that have keys, such as...
Keyboard instruments like the