The answer is…
Poison Dart Frog
Poison dart frogs DO NOT camouflage. In fact, they have very bright colors that make them stand out. This is helpful to us humans because these frogs are EXTREMELY poisonous. Since we can easily see them, we can easily stay away!
Camouflage is a characteristic that some animals have that allows them to stay safe. They blend in with their surroundings and their predators (animals that want to eat them) can’t find them.
Stick bugs DO camouflage. Stick bugs are brown and look almost exactly like part of a tree or plant.
Chameleons DO camouflage. These tricky animals can even change colors to blend in with different kinds of environments.
Many owls DO camouflage. Some owls that live in snowy environments are white, while other owls are brown to blend in with the trees. Owls camouflage to stay safe from predators, but also so their prey (the animals they eat) cannot easily see them and escape.
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Learning Connections
Students learn about various aspects of life science as they advance through elementary school. One important part of this study is the difference between living and non-living things as well as the distinguishing factors between plants and animals, particularly various adaptations. In this activity, students take a look at camouflage, which as an adaptation that helps animals survive.
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Extra Resources
Here are some other animals that use camouflage!
Watch this video about camouflage!
Take a look at this sheet and see if children can guess where these animals might blend in, based on what color they are. BONUS: color in the animals!
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