The answer is…


Elephants can’t jump because they are so big! Their leg muscles and bone structure aren’t strong enough if the elephant tried to jump. They can run really fast. Also, because of the natural habitats that Elephants live in - like the African Savanna - they don’t need to do any jumping. They are so big, they can just step over things.

Giraffes can technically jump, but don’t often do it. They don’t really need to because they are so tall already!

Starfishes can’t jump, but they also aren’t mammals! Trick question.

Hippos can jump, but only under water!

What is my child learning?

In Kindergarten science classes, children gain specific scientific knowledge, such as different categories of animals, and the background skills and practices that support all scientific knowledge. In this activity, children compare and categorize living creatures. The activity encourages them to use reasoning to draw a conclusion. The activity also supports an understanding of the diversity of life on Earth. 

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