The answer is…


E! E is in 11% of English words, making it the most common letter in the English language. That means if you think of 100 English words, the letter ‘E’ will be in about 11 of them. Some other common letters include: T, A, I, AND O.

Some of the least common letters are ‘J,’ ‘Q,’ ‘X,’ and ‘Z’.

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Learning Connections | Extra Resources

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Learning Connections

In elementary school, children work to develop strong phonetic understanding. Children’s ability to recognize letters and decode (sound out) words has a big impact on their ability to develop strong reading comprehension in later grades.

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Extra Resources

For Adults

  • Here is a good list of words that start with the letter e. 

  • Check out this video all about the letter e.

  • Can you think of any words that don’t start with e?

    • Dog, cat, fly, point, school, sun, short, etc.

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