The answer is…
Panda Fruit!
Panda Fruit! A dragon fruit and a snake fruit both DO exist.
Here is a dragon fruit. It’s pink on the outside and white with black seeds on the inside. This fruit is called dragon fruit because people think the outside looks like the fire a dragon breaths or the scales on its skin. Dragon fruit is native to Mexico, Central and South America. In some parts of the world, people call this fruit Pitaya instead.
Snake fruit, otherwise known as Salak, grows from a specific type of palm tree in Indonesia. It’s brown on the outside, with an inside that’s kind of like an apple. Just like dragon fruit, it got its name because the outside looks like a snake’s skin.
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Want to Learn More?
Learning Connections
In science, students spend time studying living and non-living things. They learn what plants and animals need to survive. This includes understanding how plants reproduce and the specific role that fruits play in our ecosystem.
Extra Resources
Want to try your own tropical fruits? Order a box here.
Check out this video of a fruit market in Colombia.
Explore this list of tropical fruits and facts about them.
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