The answer is…
A stamp!
Stamps are tiny pieces of colorful paper that we often find in the corner of envelopes or the back of postcards. They may seem small, but they have a big job to do! Stamps help us send letters and packages to people! Those people can live as far away as Alaska or as close as next door. You can even send items to different countries around the world, but no matter where you send things you will need stamps! They have special pictures on them that represent different places, animals, or important people. Kids can even enter contests to design stamps that can be used all over the country.
What is my child learning?
In elementary school, children learn about the postal system and how letters and packages are sent from one place to another. By understanding the role of stamps, children develop an appreciation for the process of sending and receiving mail. A foundational understanding of the postal system will help students to understand how resources are traded and shipped around the world. They also learn about the various roles that different community members play, including postal workers!
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Extra Resources
Check out this video about how stamps get designed
Want to design your very own stamp? Here’s one you can color!