Visit Digitville With PanPan!
This Summer, PanPan is making a trip to Digitville with her summer friends, and she would like you to come as well! She plans on visiting various places in town, and at each place, she will be doing a different math activity with her #DanPan Digit Cards.
Where do you want to go in Digitville? You don’t have to visit all the same places and visit them in the same order.
If you were to create a place in Digitville, what would it be? What activity would you do with your digit cards there?
Share with us on social media @DancingPandaPal (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) using #VisitDigitvilleWithPanPan.
We hope you have fun!
PanPan’s Travel Plan
Pre-K Post Office: Time to buy a stamp and mail some postcards! PanPan will…
Pull a card randomly from her #DanPan Digit Card collection and ask her friends what number it is.
What Is My Child Learning?
Children in PreK practice connecting number names to their numeral.
Kindergarten Kooky Kake Store: Digitville’s bakery is krazy and only sells cakes in the shape of the letter K! PanPan plans on buying a Krazy Kake and she will…
Mix up the cards in a stack and have her friends lay the numbers out on a table or the floor in a sequence.
What Is My Child Learning?
Children in PreK practice connecting number names to their numeral.
First Grade Fire Station: PanPan is so excited to get a tour of Digitville’s Fire Station. One of her friends wants to be a Fire Chief one day. She also will…
Pull 2 or 3 digit cards and create an addition equation. What do you get when you add them all up?
What Is My Child Learning?
In First grade, children work on their fluency with basic addition.
Second Grade Supermarket: PanPan loves to eat and will stop by the supermarket to buy some water and fruit for snack time. While there she will also…
Pull two cards randomly from the collection to make a 2-digit number. She will then create another 2-digit number with 2 more cards. She’ll compare the numbers, and discuss with her friends which is larger.
What Is My Child Learning?
In Second grade, children practice comparing numbers.
Third Grade Theme Park: PanPan’s final stop in Digitville is the theme park! She loves roller coasters, the ferris wheel, and bumper cars. She also will…
Use her digit cards to create a 2- or 3-digit number. Then round the number to the nearest ten and/or hundred.
What Is My Child Learning?
In 3rd grade, children practice rounding numbers.