How to access Dancing Panda activities

Dear Panda Pal,

Thank you so much for joining Dancing Panda! We are so excited to have you join us. 

Sign up to get access to receive your Dancing Panda activities:

  • Go here and click on the blue "Get Access to DanPan Activities" button.

  • Fill out the form and use the same email address you used to purchase your Dancing Panda subscription.

Going forward, when you receive a text message from us, you’ll get a message with a link to a Dancing Panda Activity. In order to see the activity, you will need to be logged in. You can do this by clicking on "Login" at the top of any page on our website, and logging into your account using your email address and password.

Check out our sample activities here, if you haven’t seen them already. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us by emailing us at

Thank you and happy dancing!



Founder & CEO