How Does Dancing Panda Exactly Work?


Hi Dancing Panda Pal! Today, we will be teaching you how you will be receiving and doing Dancing Panda activities. 

First, you will be receiving the activities through text messages (like what you are already doing!). The messages will be sent out weekly on Thursday or Fridays so that you can easily establish a habit of playing the games with your family. The activities usually take less than 5 minutes to complete, but we will also provide you with additional ways to have fun if you have more time.

As for “when” and “where” you will be doing the activities, our answer is: whenever and wherever! You can play them at the dinner table or during a car ride. For more tips on when and where to use Dancing Panda, check out our blog post: <insert link>.

Dancing Panda is focused on helping busy families use their fragmented time effectively to foster children’s learning. We strive to make our activities convenient and accessible for all parents.

Thanks and happy dancing!


Your friends at Dancing Panda

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